Intuition FAQs

What is an intuitive?
We are all intuitive! Our intuitive minds create imagery and can also pick up the imagery of others. If developed, this is called clairvoyance, or “clear seeing.” Because our culture values linear processes, we tend not to recognize everyday intuition, except for the occasional “gut feeling.” With training, intuition can be precise, practical, and comprehensive. An intuitive reading is to gut feelings what differential calculus is to arithmetic.
Why is intuition important?
Intuition is ‘the still, small voice’ that guides us moment by moment, if we know how to listen. Intuition is always with us but often goes unnoticed or mis-labeled. Often we receive intuitive signals but dismiss them as random thoughts. One of the ways you know your intuition is talking to you is that the message seems to come from “out of the blue.” It may not be what you would normally think or expect, making it easy to dismiss. But the unexpected quality of intuitive messages is a signal that we need to pay attention. Intuition alerts us to danger and to opportunities beyond the scope of our individual awareness. We ignore intuition at our peril; it is always on our side.

When we pay attention to intuition, we begin to understand how deeply we are all connected. This in itself is a miraculous discovery, one that nourishes us and fills us with gratitude and deep joy and sustains us through all difficulties.

How to tell if a professional intuitive is truly gifted
A good intuitive prefers to deeply examine the present rather than predict the future or dwell extensively on the past. A good intuitive elucidates and encourages you follow your soul’s inner direction, empowering you to develop your own intuitive insights instead of relying on her advice, and supports you in taking personal responsibility for co-creating your life, rather than flatly stating what will or won’t happen. Finally, a good intuitive will never ask you for personal information at the start of a reading.
How does an intuitive read energy?
Each soul carries information encoded in the aura as color, sound, feelings, and imagery. A trained intuitive can perceive this information to answer very specific questions. The soul communicates through intuition. We all have exquisitely tuned energy centers (chakras) that receive energy as information. Anyone can learn to tune into these subtle signals. To the degree we can be present, our intuition increases.
How is it possible to do a reading over the phone?

Like thought and imagination, intuition is not bound by time or space. But unlike thought, intuition is not bound by individual consciousness. Intuition operates in Consciousness with a capital “C.” The Soul communicates through intuition. Intuition is an intermediary quality of our Being that communicates with All that Is. Everything and everyone is connected by Consciousness; intuition is the bridge.

Tuning In

In a session, I continually place focused attention in my own receptive energy centers (chakras) and articulate what I’m receiving from you. This is analagous to the way an electronic device picks up electromagnetic signals generated thousands of miles away and translates them into audible, visible or tactile wavelengths… in our case, into concepts, images, words and sensations.

Consciousness = attention + intention. All that’s needed for an intuitive to read your energy is to intentionally focus attention on you in the present moment.


What an intuitive”reads” is intention. Whether we realize it or not, we all have intentions for all the various levels of our being, and these intentions are operating at all times, creating the foundation of our experience. By the way, we see this in animals who “instinctively” react to people positively or negatively. That’s not instinct, it’s intuition!


Unlike intention, which is always present, our attention can be anywhere in time and space. Our attention easily drifts from our intimate experience of the here and now. We can be daydreaming of another time, another place or person, or we can be so absorbed in what we’re doing that we forget to eat!

When I’m doing an energy reading for you, it helps if your attention is here/now, but it’s not absolutely necessary. However, it is necessary that my attention be completely present. This is a skill that not all of us possess, but it can certainly be learned! Meditations practice helps us gather attention into our intimate experience of the present moment and stay focused.

Tuning into Energy at a Distance 

Once our attention is centered in the here/now – present in time and present in space – intuitive information starts flowing in naturally, because we are all naturally receptive, like radio or TV receivers. We can also intentionally direct our attention to specific areas, including other people, other places, other times. This is possible because intuition is a bridge to Consciousness of All That Is. The scientific term for this is Nonlocal Consciousness.

Every intuitive counselor has their own particular way of tuning into others and finding your particular energy signature. My way is to ask you to say your name at the beginning of the session; this helps focus your energy in the “here now” so I can find you more easily.

What are the chakras? What is an aura?
The aura is the collective term for the seven energy fields created by the spinning of the chakras, the quantum energy centers along the spine. The chakras receive and transmit energy, or information. By examining the auric fields, an intuitive can discern your challenges and your special gifts.


“I was skeptical about getting a reading because it seemed a too “airy-fairy” for me. But Judith came highly recommended from a trusted friend who was aware of the challenges I was going through in my business and personal life. The insights I received from Judith were exactly what I needed to gain clarity on much needed changes, and I couldn’t be happier! I have become such a fan that I have referred 13 friends to Judith in one year.”

Judith Henderson-Townsend
Owner, Mannequin Madness
Oakland, CA